segregated witness – Easy methods to create and signal a segwit transaction utilizing any npm pacakge

segregated witness – Easy methods to create and signal a segwit transaction utilizing any npm pacakge


So I’m utilizing this NPM bundle ( )
to create and signal a Bitcoin legacy transaction regionally and it was working positive for legacy.
However after I tried to do the identical for segwit addresses I began getting this error when i submit that uncooked into sendrawtransasction node methodology.

mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Witness requires empty scriptSig)

So I believe the problem is with this bundle because the construction of this cost just isn’t what’s required for a SegWit transaction.

So my important query is is there any bundle in javascript I can use to create and signal a transaction? the principle payload I’ve is

receipentAddress, senderAddress, quantity ( in satoshis ), and privateKey in WIF. 

any assist or clue is very appreciated.


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