sha256 – Why CPUMiner doesn’t mine despite displaying good hash charge?

sha256 – Why CPUMiner doesn’t mine despite displaying good hash charge?


I attempted cpuminer to mine some nominal crypto. However, even after 12+hours , not even one share has been obtained. What’s the downside in my command. Like, I used the command
./cpuminer -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u <pockets> -p c=<Payoutcurrency>
and the terminal then reveals

New Block 3457268, Tx 0, Netdiff 0.14933, Job 3a Diff: Internet 0.14933, Stratum 256, Goal 0.0039062 TTF @ 24.36 kh/s: Block 7h18m, Share 11m28s Internet hash charge (est) 53.45 Mh/s

However, even after a very long time, no acceptance of jobs or submissions happen, and that i don’t get any crypto.

As regards the low hash charge, I used to be capable of mine a number of satoshis utilizing cheaper algorithms like ghostrider and randomx on xmrig on even much less hash charges. However, with cpuminer i don’t get even a single satoshi. Methods to rectify this? Or, can we run xmrig utilizing scrypt or sha512256d algorithms on some pool?
Any hints?


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